Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello Weekend!
Ahhh, it's the weekend and this one has started out quite nice if I say so myself.  Josh and I got a babysitter this morning so we could go for a bike ride on a nearby bike trail and then for a nice breakfast.  It is great to get out early in the is just too hot the rest of the day.  After returning home we got Jillian and Luke ready (Madie is in Oklahoma visiting Mima and Papa Bob for a few days) to head to church for Jillian's soccer assesment.  She is going to play Upward Soccer this fall. It is just 8 weeks (8 games and 8 practices).  A good step into the sports world. I had asked her about it a while ago and she said she would play on one condition......if Josh would coach. (-: He coached Upward Football and Basketball last year for older kids and the girls and I went to alot of the games to cheer on him and his team.  Jilly said she thought he looked like a good coach so she would play if he was her coach.  Needless to say she got her way. (-:
After her quick assesment we headed to lunch and now are all home relaxing. Much needed after a busy week!  School started back this week. Jillian is in first grade this year.  They loop at her school so she has the same teacher as last year...which is great....we love Mrs. Craft. She is wonderful. (-: Madie headed to Oklahoma on Thursday. Mima and Papa Bob surprised Josh and I and said they could come pick her up Thursday and stay for a week. We welcomed the surprise, with the new baby lack of sleep is starting to wear on Josh and less two year old for a few days is a nice break. We love Madie to pieces but man she is a little pistol.  It is still up for debate where that wild side comes from.....ofcourse Josh and I both point fingers at one another. Ha.
Luke is still doing great and is growing like a weed. He had his 8 week checkup yesterday and was already 13lbs. He was 7lbs. 14 oz. when he was born, he has already gained 5 lbs. As our pediatrician says....he obviously has no problems eating. (-:  Jillian is such a great help with him. She loves laying on his play mat with him and singing him songs. He has really started smiling and she seems to be the person who can make him smile the most.  She is very proud to share that fact with everyone. Madie ofcourse loves him too and spends most days trying to figure out how to "hold" him.  For now she is settling for laying by him or holding his feet while I am holding him.  She wants to be a little Mama.
Well, I guess that is about all for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


 Ava (a good friend of Jilly's) and Jillian playing after school yesterday
 Luke and Madie in the play mat.  Gotta love Madie's smile. (-:
 Luke at his doctor's appt yesterday. Such a cutie.
Our attempt at a family photo when we were in KC for my cousin's wedding. (-:

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