Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring is Here

Hey Friends and Family!
Spring is here. Josh, the girls and I have been busy planting a small garden and just enjoying the awesome weather. Jillian just got back from her Dad's-she went for spring break. Madie and I made a quick trip to KC while Jilly was gone to visit friends and my family. Josh had to stay in Hattiesburg all by his lonesome and work, but I don't think he minded the peace and quiet. (-:
We are all headed back to Missouri this weekend to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. Should be a fun time for everyone. It will be good to get the whole family together!

Summer is right around the corner. Hard to believe to the school year is winding down. Only 9 weeks left in kindergarden for Jillian! She is growing up so fast.  And only 12 weeks left until little baby Moore arrives. We are all getting excited for his arrival. Can't wait to meet him. We know he will be such a great addition to our family. He already is to be quite honest-the girls love talking to my belly and calling him "a little prince."

Well, that is all for now. Below are some great pics of the girls. Enjoy!
 Madie experiencing her first movie at the theatre-we saw The Lorax. Jillian is glued in as well! (-:
 Jillian on picture day two weeks ago. She was excited bc she got to pick out her outfit herself.
 Madie with my good friend Sara McConnell on one her beautiful horses. Madie didn't want to let go of Papa Tom's hand at first. (-:
 On our way home from KC Madie and I stopped by a Steak N Shake for a driving break. Madie decided she needed both hers and mine. She really likes those chocolate shakes. (-:
 Picking up Jillian at the airport after her visit to her Daddy's. Madie was so happy to see her big sis.
 Our garden we planted Sunday. We have everything from tomatoes to strawberries. Can't wait to pick and eat some fresh fruits and veggies.
 My herbs! Rosemary, Basil and Cilantro. (-: Yum.
The girls snuggled up on the couch yesterday after a long day of yardwork. (-:

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